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Host a Super bowl Party free of food waste

reduce food waste super bowl

No matter what team you’re rooting for, the Super Bowl is an exciting event many people look forward to each year. And if you’re a sports enthusiast, you’re probably planning on attending or hosting a Super Bowl party to hang with friends and cheer for your team.

However, all those delicious Super Bowl appetizers often come with a lot of food waste. So how can you host a Super Bowl party with all your favorite foods while still being eco-friendly?

Neighborhood Compost of North New Jersey is all about team spirit. And we’re here to help you throw a great Super Bowl party without all the excess scraps. So grab your favorite jersey and get ready to update your Super Bowl shopping list! Here are a few ways to ensure your Super Bowl party is environmentally friendly.

Shop for local produce

Who doesn’t love a good veggie platter for a football game? When shopping for crux de te or burger toppings, it’s a great idea to shop for local produce. Produce that’s come from nearby farms has less of a carbon footprint than produce that comes from across the country. Plus, you’ll be supporting local New Jersey farmers and businesses.

Create food scrap stations for compost

Instead of only station trash cans near the food, make sure you have a place for food scraps, too. This way, when people are done with their delicious Super Bowl buffalo wings and meatballs, they can toss any leftovers into the food scraps bin. Local compost companies will come to pick up your food scraps, so the food doesn’t sit in a landfill. Neighborhood Compost offers various compost pick-up services, including pay-as-you-go options!

Get a head count before you cook
Food scrap composting new jersey

One of the easiest ways to prevent food waste is to cook just enough for everyone. Take a look at your guest list and create a menu that matches the number of people you’re feeding. Not only will you have less food waste by the end of the day, but you’ll also have less food to cook for your guests. You can also ask guests to take any leftovers home.

Ask guests to bring food containers

If you know you’ll make a lot of food (and then some,) ask your guests to bring food containers with them. That way, you can cook as much food as you like, and everyone can share in the leftovers. You still want to separate your food scraps from other garbage to compost, but you won’t have to worry about handling as much food at the end of the night.

Whether you’re new to food scrap awareness or are a seasoned composter, there are plenty of easy ways to reduce your carbon footprint for events. And when you’re able to implement food composting into your daily life, you can divert hundreds of pounds of food from landfills every year.

If you want to learn more about Neighborhood Compost and our pick-up compost services, contact us today! Our incredible team can help make composting in your home straightforward and easy. And best of luck to both teams participating in the Super Bowl this year.

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