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Municipal Drop-Off Programs

These municipalities are getting behind communal compost drop off locations and making a profound impact within their communities.

From our family at Neighborhood Compost to yours, we want to wish you a joyous, safe, and
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Ridgefield Park 

Bergen County, NJ

Start date: October 1st, 2023

Current size: 50+ households and growing

Cost for residents: Free

Each household must enroll to participate. Click this link to email us and someone from our team will be in touch with you shortly with further instructions.


Drop-off location:

  • 109 Bergen Turnpike, Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660

Sign Up Form

This program is exclusively for Ridgefield Park residents.

Waste diverted from landfill thus far= 7,698 lbs

Refer Your Municipality 

Is your municipality interested in signing up for a Compost Drop off Pilot Program? We'd be happy to help! Email us at

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